Hospital expedite letters
If you are waiting to receive a hospital appointment and your symptoms have worsened, please contact the hospital first. They may suggest you contact the surgery to request an expedite letter. We understand this may be frustrating for you and unfortunately these letters rarely result in appointments being brought forward.
Central Surgery has created two letters for you to use if you want to inform the hospital of a change in your symptoms. One is for patients waiting for a first appointment with a specialist. The second letter is for people waiting for a follow up appointment, treatment or operation.
Please download the template letter, completing your details and explain the change in your symptoms. The letters are in Word format and only the areas highlighted in yellow can be edited.
You should send your letter to either Outpatient Appointments (for first appointments) or your Consultant’s Secretary (for follow up care). Details can be found on the following link Appointments – Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (