All appointments
To book appointments for the following, please contact reception:
- Blood pressure check
- Blood tests
- Smears
- Routine Vaccinations
- Copd/asthma reviews
- Medication reviews
- Diabetes reviews
For all other appointment requests please use the online form. If you are unable to complete the form, please contact reception. All online requests will be triaged by a GP.
Your appointment
However you choose to contact us, we may offer you an appointment over the phone or in person. If you are unavailable at the specified time, please let us know, as this appointment could be offered to another patient. Any appointment offered is for one patient with one issue unless we specify otherwise.
Cancel your appointment
You can cancel your appointment online via the NHS or SystmOne App. If you do not have online access, please contact reception.
Home visits
If you are housebound and need a home visit, you will still need to complete the online form. If you are unable to complete the form please contact reception, as they may be able to help.
If you do want to request a home visit, please try to contact the surgery as early as possible. It is helpful to receive these requests before 10am.